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Are you a Genre Rat? A Discussion on Genre Exclusion

Do you know a stubborn bookworm that reads nothing except fantasy fiction? What does their bookshelf at home look like? Is it packed with a similar author and genre? Does every book on their shelf have a dragon, cowboy, or some other reoccurring theme on the cover? I know a few bookworms like this and every book that's recommended to them outside of their chosen genre is declined or (most times) politely passed off as a mediocre book. No matter how hard you try it seems like they're burying their head in their book pages. Maybe you yourself are a "genre rat." Maybe you take no interest in reading outside of your niche. I was once like this. Historical fiction was my comfort zone. Anything outside of this wasn't interesting to me. I'd try something like sci-fi and would close the book within the first few chapters because it didn't compel me to continue. It wasn't because the writing was awful, it was the content. I was waiting for the historical re

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